John Hunt logo image The pie and tart machine specialists


Sections: News - Exhibitions - Website



November 2017

The 2018 exhibition dates are now up for Europain, Foodex and IBA.

October 2017

A few minor updates across the site.

General news will be updated more frequenty on our Facebook page going forward.

April 2016

NEW plating plant installed. This will help improve presentation and longevity of many small parts and die equipment.

Forthcoming Exhibitions - Dates to be confirmed.

Europain 2018: Paris, France.
Foodex 2018: NEC Birmingham, England.
IBA 2018: Munich, Germany.

2015/2016 Two new CNC (Computer numerically controlled) machines installed: one Lathe and one 3 axis vertical Machining Centre. Makes a total of 6 CNC Machines in our machine shop.

June 2015

A bit of a spring clean, tiding up areas across the site. Removed old quicktime videos and added Facebook and YouTube logos.

Febuary 2015

Added a new Spare Parts section to the website where we will develope the visibility of our strong aftersales support of our products.

Nov 2013

The factory showroom has been given a makeover this autumn. There is an extensive display of machine dies, tins and foil cases for customers to see.

Picture of factory showroom


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Forthcoming Exhibitions :

Europain 2018: 3rd-6th February 2018. Exhibition Hall Paris-Nord Villepinte. Stand F68 Hall 6 (with our French Agent Alimat Tremblay)
Foodex 2018: 16th-18th April 2018. Birmingham NEC Stand No. BB247, Hall 3A.
IBA 2018: 15-09-2018. Fairground Munich, Germany. Stand No. A6.171, Hall A6.



If there are any problems or comments for the web site, please email the .